CARNATION is an impressionistic ensemble film and a deeply moving series of interconnected portraits of young love. Three couples and a young telepath are entwined on a visceral journey through the spectrum of ways in which we attempt to transcend our mortality through sex, violence, and the profound delicacy of love.

CARNATION also has an undeniably tragic dimension and like all great tragedies deals with the tensions between “Fate and chance, free will and destiny, inner flaw and outer circumstance.

CARNATION is also ultimately about the collision between grace and beauty and violence and death and how these seemingly opposite forces are bound together in chaos.


“We turn in the same circle, and never leave.” -Lucretius

CARNATION is a dangerous and beautiful tale - a visceral portrait of power, violence, control and transcendental love.

“Like sudden lightning scattering the spirits of sight so that the eye is then too weak to act on other things it would perceive, Such was the living light encircling me, Leaving me so enveloped by its veil of radiance that I could see no thing.” -Dante “Paradiso”

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